
Our booking process help you best determine the scale of works & What can you expect from us.

  • In depth analytical reporting with images.

  • Professional recommendations for works and systems.

  • Fixed quotation based on final Survey.

  • Field tests with reports on product verification.

To save you writing a thousand words, pictures work best for showing us your job at hand. Please have photos and videos ready to send with your request.


Collate item number and manufacturer for furniture assembly items.
Take pictures of the intended work space.


Send us your request including photos and item number.
Give us a time and date that works best for you with address


Once confirmed, read our Learn More guide on Covid 19.
Clear the intended work area for your Hero to arrive on the day!

You have reached us directly and we appreciate that! We believe your experience with our heroes will speak volumes so as a gesture of appreciation please

If you request a call out survey, you will receive an in depth analytical report with the prerequisites for the job, professional recommendations for solutions, fixed final quotation, any test reports and product verifications as required.