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Covid-19 Health and Safety

It is our utmost priority that during these times of the pandemic we shall adhere to the UK government’s recommendations and policies. We may delay some planned works for the time being but reactive works we will continue to deliver in the best way we can.

Toolbox Jobs’s Covid-19 Protocol

Our main concern here at Toolbox Jobs is the health and safety of our clients and staff. We want to ensure that we provide a balance between keeping you safe, and at the same time, still providing you with the services you need during these difficult times. We will do this in complete compliance of Government and the World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines.

Service Delivery

Our services will continue as normal any changes that may need to be implemented will be communicated in full with the relevant parties notified in advance.

We understand that, although we intend to continue as normal, some of our services may be impacted as a result of the Corona virus pandemic. We will try our best that no services are stopped, and we have continuity plans in place to deal with emergencies (these will be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with Government Guidelines). We have enough team members to cover all of our clients’ needs.

Precautionary Measures

Social Distancing (as advised by the WHO) is one of the most effective means of curbing the spread of the virus. We want you and our staff safe.

  • Please notify us where access is needed to your property to resolve an issue if you have any symptoms

  • We shall track all our field operatives each morning to get to know they are symptomatic if so they will be advised to self quarantine and also we shall then send another operative

  • When access is needed to your property to keep yourself and our safe it would be at this time to limit contact by staying in another room whilst the issue is being resolved

  • Social distancing measures to be implemented of 2 metres on essential visits.

For those with suspected cases of Coronavirus, or if you have symptoms as described (fever or a continuous cough), please advise us prior to any meetings or engagements.

We will be readily available as we always have been during working hours via telephone and email.

For further information on Covid-19 and what you can do to help and prevent the spread of this disease, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/